Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas

I'm sure that some of you are going to disagree with me here but it's amazing to me that a women who has been working the white house press core for more then 4 decades can lose her job over night while people like Glen Beck, Rush, Anne Coulter and Michelle Malkin can spew their lies all over the airwaves (with hardly any repercussions) on a daily basis shows just how upside down and stupid this country has truly become. Granted what Helen Thomas said was irresponsible, insensitive and of course totally unrealistic however I don't think she should have been fired for it which is basically what happened. The women has been up until a few days ago one of the most distinguished journalist on the white house press core. I understand that this country has deep ties with Israel and they are a powerful alley but I think it is unfair that Helen Thomas is treated like some horrible villain for again what was a very stupid comment when others can lie daily and hardly anyone bats an eyelash. It's maddening. Joseph Farah of World Daily Net on daily basis accuses Obama of not being a US citizen and some sort of communist Nazi yet do you ever hear people like Ari Fleischer (you know the really honest and upstanding person that he is) coming on CNN complaining about how offensive he is?? NO, I don't think so. But Fleischer didn't waste any time coming on to CNN yesterday to complain about how horrible Thomas is. Interesting where our priorities lie. I understand what Thomas said would be deeply offensive to many people but should a career as long as hers come to a halt over one off handed comment, no matter how off-base, I just don't think I'm comfortable with the destruction of one women's career over this. It's sad and although I don't agree with her comments in any way, I think what is more sad is we can go on the attack like this because of her comments about Israel but others can lie without repute daily and we (media & public) turn a deaf ear and laugh it off. I'm not sure which is more offensive.


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